Monday, July 20, 2009

What we want as parents

"If we are prosperous, it will delight us to think that we are not acquiring wealth for those who will squander it on their lusts, but who will employ it for the glory of God when we are in dust. Or, if we are poor, it will cheer us to reflect that though we cannot leave you the riches of this world, we see you in possession of the favor of God, a portion which, after comforting you on earth, will enrich you through eternity. My dear children, if you are anxious to comfort the hearts of your parents, if you would fulfill our joy, if you would repay all our labor, anxiety, affection, if you would most effectually discharge all the obligations that you cannot deny you owe us, fear God and choose the ways of religion: this, this only will make us happy." Pg. 5

James, John Angell. The Christian Father's Present to His Children. Orlando: Northampton Press, 2008.